L o a d i n g

Pardon App

Platforms :
Duration :
2 Months
Role :
UX-UI Designer
Design Tool :
Adobe XD, Figma

Management System

Pardon is a cutting-edge SaaS platform designed to empower users with an intelligent QR menu and online ordering system. The platform's administrative interface offers robust menu configuration tools and AI generated complex data analytics tailored for restaurant chains. Clients can seamlessly compare their product inventory and sales, ensuring enhanced efficiency. Pardon amplifies business insights through AI-driven statistical analyses


My Role

As the UX/UI designer for the Pardon platform's administration dashboard, my primary role was to ensure an intuitive and user-friendly interface. I centered my efforts on crafting visually appealing and functional designs that significantly elevate the user experience. Collaborating closely with both the development team and key stakeholders, I translated user needs into efficient and aesthetically pleasing interfaces, adeptly handling the complexities of dashboard implementations.

User Flow

To set up a digital menu on Pardon's admin dashboard, a restaurant manager first logs into the platform. Once logged in, they navigate to the "Menu Configuration" section, where they can add new dishes or edit existing ones, inputting details like dish names, descriptions, prices, and photos. After configuring the menu items, they can arrange them into sections or categories, and finally, preview the digital menu. Once satisfied, they save their changes, making the digital menu live for customers to access via QR code or online links.



Customers' concerns over QR code security led Pardon to bolster encryption and clarify its privacy policies, while chain restaurants benefited from a "Brand Consistency" feature ensuring uniformity across locations. Pardon also integrated advanced analytics, offering insights into menu interactions, and introduced a "Simplified Insights" section in the dashboard to make AI-generated statistics more accessible and actionable for restaurant owners.

- Design Process

a designer with focus on set goals, design systems and motion design.

My design process follows the established product cycle methods of the Nielsen Norman Group. In the initial discover phase, the focus is on understanding requirements, limitations, and conducting thorough competitive testing. Moving into the explore phase, various tasks are tackled, including competitive analysis, design review, task analysis, journey mapping, prototype feedback and testing. In parallel, during the testing phase, methods like monitoring social media, analyzing forum posts, and benchmark testing are employed for a well-rounded evaluation process.

  • + Typography
  • + Iconography
  • + Color Palette
  • + User Flows
  • + Low Fidelity Wireframing
  • + UI Elements
  • + Components
  • + High Fidelity Wireframing
  • + Testing
  • + Advertising


UI Element Used


Page Completed


Active Users


If you have a UI/UX project that you have created a brief for or that is in draft, Eren will perfect it with his own experience. If you are working with Eren, leave a space of freedom, then it is very possible that things will come out beyond what you imagined.

Gökhan Çam
Founder & CEO at Pardon App
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